Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Constitution/holy writ

The Constitution or the holy writ is/was a tool the Luciferian (Freemason, founding fathers) doctrine holders have used to achieve their greater goals and agenda’s. I find it disturbing that two 240 years plus, the follower's of these documents are still begging to repeat the process, if one looks closely at the history of this monstrous Empire with the combined efforts of the binary power of its former master(great Britain)how can a just mind ever hold steady in its conscience? The rulers in the white house have achieved their goals to the point they no longer care about being pointed out, as a matter of fact it’s to them a very enlightening gesture.
They have come a long way in the many nefarious activities hiding behind their veil and cloak of deception...Anything the minion throws at them is of little relevance at this point in time. 
It’s our time to shine and let go of the stagnant mindset that has been self-impose, because we are not children any more...some of the circles are very well aware of the impending dangers facing humanity. Why not make it a New Year resolution to break free and seek out the real truth behind the great question? We have been warned and time speaks very eloquently about the manifestations of our free will conscience to overcome. If any time in history, this point is a striking mark on which to draw a line and realign our priorities whatever they may be. But keep in focus that our life is dependent on life saving information.

The question is too ambiguous to include in this dissertation it has to do in large of the original challenge imposed by a rebellious creature some refer to as Lucifer and others by Satan. If anyone thinks this great question about the universal sovereignty is far-fetched! Ask the powers to be and they have all the answer in large print. Who is better informed then those who shape the events and manipulate the outcome! The many books and literature outlining the secret and subversive maneuvers of this great conspiracy is no illusion in the last 60 years or so the information on this subject matter is over powering, yet we have a counter balance sitting in our own house collecting dust and we pay little attention to its books and warnings.

I’m a prophetic researcher and have been doing so for a very long time when I came across some of the printed and audio information available to me in the world wide web it was astonishing to learn what I had been reading in other prophetic books, like Daniels, Ezekiel,  Isaiah, Jeremiah and Revelations that the powers of this visible world where following a subversive document to the letter for a great conspiracy against the original question? Which is the universal sovereignty being challenged by a defector, murder, liar and deceiver. The YouTube channels have an overload and printed pages and titles in book stores have swell immensely in recent years…so the questions? Is not a make belief story it actually finds abundant substance and reference even in the book of Genesis. I’m moved to share this great life saving and spiritually freeing information to the level I’m losing sleep for your awaking.

I’m very such aware that many just walk away from ensuing and challenging scenario, but that is the awaking…breaking the chains that have kept the masses in darkness and in bitter strife against each other. Humanity as a whole is all one seed, we are all part of this web, and we are all sharers in its travesties, and we can find a solution and be part of the greater call. Find it within yourself and seek your place, your vibrant conscience to become real light bearers, your family is yearning and the brotherhood worldwide is dependent on your free will in becoming that friction and wedge between that hoax and the universal question? For all who acquiesce a little, I slave for this cause is the only hope for ever making my debut in the infinite wisdom that ushers forth from the spiritual realms of Jah’s divinity.

 I’m not going to go into details on any of these books prophecies because than I will lose you all in the complexities that they all reveal, use you’re reasoning powers and intrinsic free choice to search out the meaning behind this supercharge subject. Time is not on our side to be stumbling with trivial matters, the powers to be having giving little lead time; so we have to stay ahead with the help already in place, but have become lackadaisical in our priorities.

Make it your own to develop into a spiritual being while the doors remain open and the invitations are still being accepted, other than that…this is the window of opportunity we have been misplacing. Going back a little to the satanic plot anyone still holding true to this Luciferian subversion is as blind as or worse than a ground mole. Things just don’t happen overnight and the powers have been at work since day one in distracting the people from learning the real schema, all its protocols, and finally that well known phrase “one world government. If one can see they are on top of things in achieving those goals and the only vessel between you and them is again the great question…of who is who in the kingdom of mankind. I’m going against the one statement I made and guide you into a better understanding about this
question…Daniel Chapter two and verse 44 or better yet read the whole second chapter as a getting to know things. They are all very complex books and only one can reveal that knowledge, and this chapter goes in brief in the meaning on what we are up against.

I will not go any farther than that I promise in this writing…because the purpose is not explaining the books it’s more like wake-up call warning we should be heeding at this very point in junction. If one is interested in more I think the circles are smart enough in what is necessary and researching continuous until the soul is satisfied and full. In order to develop into a mature spiritual being one should start with lesser subject matter but since many who follow are already in that stage, and can appreciate a little mind bending allegories. Typifying world rulers and the beast system which help shed blissful light on how the author and signature of the Almighty can make use of the already available human failures in the ups and down in challenge of the universal sovereignty. The evil slaves are human devoted workers for the satanic plot and the discreet slaves are those who have been appointed by the purposeful GOD to reign in light about the machinations and divisive design already outlined including but not limited to this so-called constitution.

This document called the holy writ is nothing close to being holy after careful examination. With all the clauses, options, amendments far surpass beyond 2013 the present fathers are up in arms about the next move to amend it completely or close it completely ever being anything useful. The unwilling slaves and willing through whatever method deployed are clueless on what’s the next move on the grand chessboard. But the prophecies bear light on the final call to gather the four corners of the earth…for the great inspiring day of vengeance for those ruining the earth and its chosen people, the spiritual being who have accepted divine direction.

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