Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Harlot

Never in the history of this immaculate conception of this repugnant and grotesques apparition...(beast system) has a time been so ripe to completely disgorge the image; and set it for public display. The beast system or (Political system) on which the harlot (Mother of false doctrines) sat on has even accelerated the process …her total collapse is eminent and conclusive. “How the mighty have fallen” is a relief to the groaning and sighing; who have been injured, stained, molested and the many horror stories only the accounted can relate.
“How the mighty have fallen” is the battle cry of the great prophets who labor tirelessly to see these words usher in a new era on which mankind can have real hope and blessings once this malignant menace  is removed from the scene of the world by the almighty hand of GOD (YHWH) very soon. So we must rejoice and take courage that our Father who arts in heavens…praise and glory be to him too time indefinite. Yes he has heard and listens too many whom were silenced but, no more.

This apparition and beast system\Harlot are responsible for misleading through pagan Constantine teachings, which it nurtured in her bosom and must be exposed ,degurgitate from the hearts and minds of the innocent, blinded generations that are\were led astray by the foaming of her sweet and bitter wine.
The blood of the innocent she held in her cup and drank this intoxicating brew to the point of become drunk and care free, while her ways were being monitored and closely guarded. She will have a day prophetically speaking, that all those who serviced her will weep over her catastrophic conclusion.
Get out of her…..Get out of her was the revelators last admonition.

As a brother in the trenches my words are no different...please break free from her grip and embrace sanity and claim your right (inheritance in the kingdom of GOD(YHWH)
Triple Crown...By: Alberto Rivera ex-Jesusit Don't miss this link !

1 comment:

  1. It's a political and religious system integrated in one....for the purpose of undermining God*( Almighty universal sovereignty.


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