Thursday, April 25, 2013

H.G Wells (Eugenicist)

Concerning the British Empire, historian H. G. Wells noted: “Nothing of the sort has ever existed before. First and central to the whole system was the ‘crowned republic’ of the United British Kingdoms . . . No single office and no single brain had ever comprehended the British Empire as a whole. It was a mixture of growths and accumulations entirely different from anything that has ever been called an empire before.”

Historian H. G. Wells wrote: “This new Roman power . . . was in several respects a different thing from any of the great empires that had hitherto prevailed in the civilized world. . . . [It] incorporated nearly all the Greek people in the world, and its population was less strongly Hamitic and Semitic than that of any preceding empire . . . It was so far a new pattern in history . . . The Roman Empire was a growth, an unplanned novel growth; the Roman people found themselves engaged almost unawares in a vast administrative experiment.” 

Days from far ago emerged a horrible menace; its purpose to conquer, subdue, tarnish and stain the living…no matter at what cause. Far beyond the Atlantic, a former Roman colony also known as ‘Britannica’ hell-bent on destruction and a new concept never embraced in total by mankind. Their weapon's very unusual; hate, apartheid, racism-genocide, and lust for blood…and only recognizing their holy right to exist. Everywhere this scourge spawns about they left a blueprint for their offspring’s to follow. A generation of inbreeds created a concept so-called white race (Anglo-Apartheid System) unknown to the vast majority, the great chasm they would foster among a global seed of humans…was unprecedented. The earth was to be scorched by divisions and subjected to their twisted version of segregation, from the one and only specie here on earth. In order to divide and conquer, fomenting and divisions were the most important agenda behind this elusive cabal.

Before 1776:  We humans all co-existed, we all were one family and help one another…but after these sub-humans or hybrids whatever suit’s you, this specie that made a debut in the new world… life would not be the same for natives. Anywhere this concept of inbred specie pushed hell would follow.
Their voracious appetite for land drove them to the far corners of the earth, from the new world to the not so new. They pressed ever forward with their weapons of mass destruction; hate. Like a wild beast always on the move and conquering territories, emulating the path of their once masters… the Roman Empire. In actuality, it’s an extension of the seventh world power spoken about in the books of prophets, and the apocalypse (Revelations) and last standing world power soon to be crushed by forces unknown to mankind. The hourglass is running out and the concept this criminal cabal started will be only a dream in the past. Pagan worshipers and allied to a sinister (Satan) former son of God Almighty they have sold their soul's to this deceitful creature, who is also known as the “wild beast”.

They have usurped and tried to counterfeit all the holy writings, including God’s Almighty great name. Infiltrated all possible institutions of holy teachings and introduced their version of pagan occult and infused them with subversions.  Not all follow this out of control pervasive concept of this “wild beast”, many are breaking free, finding hope, engaging in facts finding and diligent research with a yearning never witnessed before. The awakening is certainly timely and foretold…following these events has become my battle cry to inform all humanity, to claim their birthright, our inheritance in the kingdom of God Almighty. The writing on the wall is very evident, no need to procrastinate any longer…” do not be left out in these historical events unfolding right before our spiritual eyes. Fight the good fight of the faith; observe your steadfastness for truth…and join the cloud of warriors and witnesses on the side kingdom glad tidings.

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