Sunday, August 2, 2015

Beware of Christendom fermented bread

Somewhere in time : around 998 B.C.E the twelve tribes of ancient Israel (12 son's of Jacob) were united in support of David's son Solomon in his kingship. But upon Solomon's death the tribes divided creating two separate kingdoms that were in conflict with each other...North and South. This is when the text below comes into view, apostate Jews (ancient Israel) started to worship demons and idols of the occult ancient world. The history is very lengthy so I won't go into it...there were 14 Kings in which one can study, judges, prophets and so forth. The importance is identifying this symbol and its coming into apostate Jewish worship. This apparition makes its living in all aspect of modern history and the occult, and even becoming mainstream in certain fixtures. Please research it in depth for your own survival, by breaking free.

At both Leviticus 17:7 and 2 Chronicles 11:15 it is clear that the term (seʽi·rim′, plural) is used in referring to things to which worship and sacrifice are given, and this in connection with false religion. The translators of the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate, therefore, rendered the Hebrew word as “the senseless things” (LXX) and “the demons” (Vg). Modern translators and lexicographers in general adopt the same view in these two texts, using “demons” (Ro), “satyrs” (RS, AT, JB, JP), or “*goat-shaped demons” (NW; see also Koehler and Baumgartner’s Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, Leiden, 1958, p. 926, and A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Brown, Driver, and Briggs, 1980, p. 972), exceptions being the translation by Robert Young, which renders the term literally as “goat(s),” and the American Standard Version, which uses “he-goats.”

Satanic Statue to be setup in Detroit, Michigan on public display.

Matthew 25 : 33  And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left. Verse 41  “Then he will say to those on his left: ‘Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil (Satan) and his angels (Demonic spirits). This rebel demonic creature looks not like this statue, remember he is a rebel angel. He may change names and appearance at will but is still the same, misuse all the sacred teachings to subvert and lead the weak minded astray. His right hand up and fingers pointing upward and left hand downward is the oath that is taken. The pointing to heavens and earth means his defection. As for the star, which many reference the"Star of David" is another actually pertains to him, the fallen star in the book of revelation and others. And if one reads this biblical passage, one can appreciate the seriousness of breaking free from this apparition.
Matthew 2:1-12  After Jesus had been born in Beth′le·hem+ of Ju·de′a in the days of Herod*+ the king, look! astrologers* from the East came to Jerusalem, 2  saying: “Where is the one born king of the Jews?+ For we saw his star when we were in the East, and we have come to do obeisance* to him.” 3  At hearing this,King Herod was agitated, and all Jerusalem with him. 4  On gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ* was to be born. 5  They said to him: “In Beth′le·hem+ of Ju·de′a, for this is how it has been written through the prophet: 6  ‘And you, O Beth′le·hem of the land of Judah, are by no means the most insignificant city among the governors of Judah, for out of you will come a governing one, who will shepherd my people Israel.’”+ 7  Then Herod secretly summoned the astrologers and carefully ascertained from them the time of the star’s appearing. 8  When sending them to Beth′le·hem, he said: “Go make a careful search for the young child, and when you have found him, report back to me so that I too may go and do obeisance to him.” 9  After they had heard the king, they went their way, and look! the star they had seen when they were in the East+ went ahead of them until it came to a stop above where the young child was. 10  On seeing the star, they rejoiced with great joy. 11  And when they went into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and falling down, they did obeisance* to him. They also opened their treasures and presented him with gifts—gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12  However, because they were given divine warning in a dream+ not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way.

Take a closer look at the hand signals above and that of the Pope Pius (AKA Anuncio orsenigo) secret oath. Many have tried to take away the association of Hitler's Pope by adding he saved Jews, certainly one must also be aware of whom is writing the support thesis. The church is not innocent and can never come clear in its pass history of treatment from native American's, African's and the boarding schools.
Some of Vatican's Symbol's
The name pineal comes from the resemblance of the gland with a pine cone. The pine cone as a symbol of supreme knowledge can be found in numerous ancient cultures (e.g. Babylonian, Egyptian) and the Roman Cult (the secret society that controls the Vatican) highly reveres it
Vatican is not a place of love and peace, as one might imagine. It is a place of dark rituals and great secrecy. 
Their purpose is to enslave the human species through indoctrination, fear and control. And because people fear what they don't understand, the influence of the Vatican and the Catholic church is immense -- greater than any army, tyrant or government. They are also the greatest financial power on Earth and they will continue to exercise their influence for as long as the human species will continue to sleep.
In 1986 in isisi, Italy the Pope with all her daughters and she being the great harlot (Mistress and handler) mentioned in the book of Revelations. All denominations,from Voodoo priest and shamans to Native American's. All Christendom united churches were also present. There has been several of these Ecumenical gatherings last one held in 2012. Certain she has not lost full control yet of the masses, but that is about to change in the near future. The Churches in many parts of the world are empting out and the people breaking free from the strangle-hold she once held like a tyrant. 

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