Friday, July 20, 2018

standing courageously

The images are not my own, some are respect to the purple triangle, these are all copy right material from at time of publishing.

Persecuted and imprisoned for sharing a message of hope, for standing firm in the wake of freedom of expression, for the love of their global family, for conscientiously and objectively standing down in the presence of war, for expanding the true message of the gospel, yes this small group is vilified by the countless, whose sole objective is stifling the works of a benevolent nature.

But as history has also witnessed, they will not be stopped or silenced, as for the oppressor's and those working restlessly behind the scene, their true intentions are manifesting and certainly obvious.

They grow mightier as the persecution and instigations are baseless and best of all the faith remains in tact. Their activities is pure in nature, and stamped with a golden seal by the amount of hostilities that can't bring them to a stand-still. Take notice you onlookers and those being nourished, because the next wave of violence or repression maybe your sense of righteous convictions.

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