Saturday, November 17, 2018

Christendom II

Arrogance produces ignorance and so extremism, being humble is not of any kind weakness...personal research on ecclesiastical doctrines, the true teaching of the founding father's shall set one free. In less then a three month period one can shake the shackles to which so many church goers of good character are misled. I speak out of experience because I was there, as a young man in search for the ultimate God. But today I'm free...

Please watch this video and see why breaking-free requires a great plot. These daughters of the 'Mother Harlot' all bow in their profession to this counterfeit cult and complete apostasy.

Prosperity Gospel (or thriving Gospel),hustlers and faith pimps. Recognize any ???
That is why through Jesus (Christos) the apostle John, wrote the following words...."I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;" If one analyze what these deceivers and charlatans say and spew out of their unclean hollow chambers, one can see why the warning of the Apostle John.

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